How to serve your neighbor this holiday season

The holiday season is near. With this much anticipated season comes joy, time with loved ones, memories and peace as we are forced to reckon with the miraculous birth of Jesus. For others, though, this time of year comes with heartache, disappointment, grief and sadness. For those living in poverty, the foster care system and the widowed, the holidays aren’t full of joy. 

We can serve and come alongside our neighbors who are suffering. The holidays are a time to celebrate and remember the hope that is found in Jesus. We can bring His hope to those who are walking through trials. In Arkansas, 41% of households can’t make ends meet.This year especially, families are feeling the pressure of the declining economy. Maybe this is the situation for your neighbor down the street. 4,600 kids are in the Arkansas foster care system. This number represents kids who will be separated from their families this holiday season. Maybe this is the situation for one of your child’s classmates. Across the state, there are 234,000 single parents. There are moms and dads raising kids all by themselves. Maybe this is the situation for your co-worker. The holidays are a time to give and serve others well.

How to Serve Your Neighbor

  1. Bring a meal over. 

Food brings people together. Box up your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner and bring it over to your neighbor. This is a simple but huge blessing for families. For the single mom, this lifts the burden of cooking a meal. For families who can’t afford a holiday meal, this puts food on the table. Add a note and let them know that you are praying for them. 

2. Pay for a family’s utility bills. 

For a family struggling to make ends meet, paying a utility bill provides the opportunity to allocate income to other areas. This can allow families who are on a stretched dollar to put their money elsewhere. 

3. Purchase a Christmas tree. 

A house shouldn’t be without a Christmas tree. Purchase one for someone who you know doesn’t have a tree, or help your neighbor put up their decorations.

4. Provide Christmas presents. 

You can provide Christmas presents for kids who might not be receiving them. For $10, you can ensure a child receives a gift. Visit to donate. A child should not have a Christmas without toys. 

5. Donate to your favorite local charity. 

The holidays are a time to give. Donate to the causes and organizations you are most passionate about and help them reach their mission. There are hurting people who need your help. You can be the hands and feet of Jesus by stewarding what He has blessed you with.

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20:35


A heart of giving


Carson Miller, Learning to find peace in a world driven by anxiety and division