Give back opportunities this holiday season

The holidays are almost here and this season comes with the opportunity to give back. For the 474,739 people living in poverty in Arkansas, this season also comes with extra burdens. The holidays look like choosing between paying the electric bill and buying Christmas presents. Families shouldn’t have to choose. This holiday season, you can provide hope. 

Every Arkansan has several holiday giving opportunities. The first is through the Every Arkansan Gift Catalog. With 22 gifts to choose from, you can provide hope to families and churches across the state of Arkansas. From diapers to furniture, there are several areas to donate. To browse the catalog, visit or request a copy by emailing

Another need for families is a holiday dinner. For parents, providing a holiday meal is another burden they have to worry about purchasing. Holiday food boxes will ensure they have all the holiday meal necessities like ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing and cornbread so they can eat together as a family. To donate, visit for online giving and a list of grocery items to drop off at the North Little Rock Dream Center. 

Every kid deserves a toy at Christmas. Through the Every Arkansan gift catalog, you can provide them for kids in need. Toy donations are distributed through CityServe Arkansas church partners at their outreach events. These toys will go to kids who might not be receiving presents at Christmas. To make a toy donation, visit 

As the holiday season commences, pray for the vulnerable and underserved. Ask the Lord to intercede on their behalf. Pray that He would be near to the crushed in spirit. Pray that a new hope would be instilled in their hearts.


Carson Miller, Learning to find peace in a world driven by anxiety and division


Advocating for foster kids and families